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Jiangyin Jiayuan Pharmaceutical Equipment Co., Ltd

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Mixing Boiling Dryer Installation Location and Environmental Requirements

Sources:本站 | Release date: 2017-04-10 | Browse volume:
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When installing a stirred boiled dryer, what are the requirements for the installation location and the environment?
1. Mixing the boiling dryer installed in the right place, easy to efficient boiling dryer operation and maintenance.
2. Mixing boiling dryer installed in the workshop, the ceiling to be reserved for a height, induced draft fan and muffler installed in the outdoors.
3. Two boiling dryer should be symmetrical layout, requires two efficient boiling dryer in the middle of the channel to visit and throttle adjustment work, saving manpower. Must be easy to replace junior high school efficiency, must be easy to replace the bag.
4 should be based on mixing the shape of the boiling dryer and high efficiency boiling dryer installation layout, the location of the outlet.
5. Mixing Boiling Dryer installation should consider the cleanliness of the ground in the area.
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